Work with MAIA

Everyone Deserves a Brighter Future

MAIA restores hope and dignity by connecting overlooked job seekers with employers who believe in second chances.

We are closing the digital divide.

Alongside opportunities for new and expanded career paths, Workforce Academy Online has carefully considered the current digital divide that separates the aging or displaced workforce from jobs of the near future and curated programs to assist in the success of the coming years.

62+ Million

The number of Americans within the current working age group (15-64) who lack the digital skills required to engage in the digital economy successfully.

Industries Driving Digital Career Opportunities

No Data Found

Clients and Students

At Workforce Academy Online, our programs are designed to include opportunities for individuals from all walks of life and ensure no one is left behind or disadvantaged in the pursuit of a better future.

Justice Impacted

WFA and partners are working with over 200 employers using world-class trainers, AI and corporate partners to aid in the transition of justice-impacted individuals into meaningful career opportunities.

Corporate Health

WFA partners with local and regional community health organizations and with corporate workforce initiatives to offer programs from licensed and trained professionals in promotion of healthy lifestyle improvement.


Rural/Urban populations where access to digital training, infrastructure and resources are limited.

Minority Small Business

WFA assists in bringing entrepreneruial and workforce training opportunies to minority business owners and talent including startup, reskilling and procurement opportunities.

Dislocated Workers

WFA is bringing training and reskilling programs to assist with workers who have been dislocated due to injury, disaster or industry disruption.

How MAIA Works

Step 1

MAIA reviews a job seeker's profile or resume for key traits to match online. These key items are analyzed and pulled from the profile to specify and include in MAIA's online search criteria.

Step 2

MAIA scans thousands of opportunities across the web, beyond the job post itself. MAIA retrieves job posting sites, social platforms and continues gathering information from potential employers’ websites.

Step 3

Delivers most aligned job opportunities with suggestions to increase your success. MAIA provides an overview of the most compatible jobs, along with how to improve chances of success and recommends next steps.

Strategic Partnerships

MAIA has built key partnerships in rehabilitation, education, and career preparation for the communities we serve.

MAIA has formed strategic partnerships with global leaders and organizations who are committed to the success of disadvantaged workers and justice-involved individuals; helping position people for a successful career with upward mobility.

MAIA’s approach involves integration throughout the “Whole Education” of the individual and the alignment with our academic partners to build the student profiles on their journey from self-development, skill training, and job search to job placement.

Strategic Partnerships

Building partners for rehabilitation, education careers for bright futures.

MAIA has formed strategic partnerships with global leaders and organizations who are committed to the success of disadvantaged workers and justice-involved individuals; helping position people for a successful career with upward mobility.

MAIA’s approach involves integration throughout the “Whole Education” of the individual and the alignment with our academic partners to build the student profiles on their journey from self-development, skill training, and job search to job placement.

Strategic and Justice Partnerships

Academic and Workforce Partnerships

Get Involved!

Are you an individual, family member, employer, or sponsor that is looking to make a difference in the communities MAIA services? Contact us through the form below!

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